Shree Jay Durge Dalit Basic School is located around 160km from Kathmandu near a city called Birjung.
The nearby community around the school is home to eighty families with over 100 children coming to study from different places. Families living in the community are mostly so-called Dalits (untouchables) or other neglected communities. Their livelihood is dependent on agriculture and livestock, a lifestyle that has been passed down the generations.
The aim of MSH’s project in Birjung is to improve a government school that wasn’t properly finished when initially constructed. This left a school in a poor state that was barely adequate for even basic education. The school lacks wall boundary, toilet and water resources.
MySmallHelp successfully completed the semi-finished school building in rural part of Nepal. 1 storied building has 2large classroom which can accommodate 30 children in each class.
The building was half completed with brick walls and pillars. It needed covering the roof, plastering the walls, putting up doors and windows, electricity and finally painting the building.
School Name: Shree Jaya Durga Dalit Basic School
Address: Mortol, Nechuta, Parsa, Nepal